OK, every month my family sends out a family newsletter to keep everyone updated on what everyone else is doing; so basically this will just be our portion of the newsletter and then anything else we can come up with to put in here in between. Just a fair warning... we are very boring people.
So right now, we are in the process of deciding what we are going to pack and leave behind (yet again) and what is important enough to take with us. Eric got a job offer the first week of March for us to work in Orlando, Florida. It is a really good opportunity; so we accepted, and they said they needed us there by May 1st. Yes, I know this is a shocker to all who know us.... we will once again fail to break our record of being in one place for more than nine months and are making our 6th move in less than 2 1/2 years.... SICK! Anyways, Tuesday we got a phone call from the owner saying they needed us there by April 15th, and we are now needed in West Palm Beach... torture, I know ;). So we now went from having a month to sort our stuff, pack, and train someone, to two weeks... and it's getting a little stressful, but such is life! I'll give updates as they come. For now we are excited for the future, but sad to leave Conway...
7 years ago